Source code for pygsheets.chart

from pygsheets.utils import format_addr
from pygsheets.cell import Cell
from pygsheets.custom_types import ChartType
from pygsheets.exceptions import InvalidArgumentValue

[docs]class Chart(object): """ Represents a chart in a sheet. :param worksheet: Worksheet object in which the chart resides :param domain: Cell range of the desired chart domain in the form of tuple of tuples :param ranges: Cell ranges of the desired ranges in the form of list of tuple of tuples :param chart_type: An instance of :class:`ChartType` Enum. :param title: Title of the chart :param anchor_cell: Position of the left corner of the chart in the form of cell address or cell object :param json_obj: Represents a json structure of the chart as given in `api <>`__. """ def __init__(self, worksheet, domain=None, ranges=None, chart_type=None, title='', anchor_cell=None, json_obj=None): self._title = title self._chart_type = chart_type self._domain = () if domain: self._domain = (format_addr(domain[0], 'tuple'), format_addr(domain[1], 'tuple')) self._ranges = [] if ranges: for i in range(len(ranges)): self._ranges.append((format_addr(ranges[i][0], 'tuple'), format_addr(ranges[i][1], 'tuple'))) self._worksheet = worksheet self._title_font_family = 'Roboto' self._font_name = 'Roboto' self._legend_position = 'RIGHT_LEGEND' self._chart_id = None self._anchor_cell = anchor_cell if json_obj is None: self._create_chart() else: self.set_json(json_obj) @property def title(self): """Title of the chart""" return self._title @title.setter def title(self, new_title): temp = self._title self._title = new_title try: self.update_chart() except: self._title = temp @property def domain(self): """ Domain of the chart. The domain takes the cell range in the form of tuple of cell adresses. Where first adress is the top cell of the column and 2nd element the last adress of the column. Example: ((1,1),(6,1)) or ('A1','A6') """ return self._domain @domain.setter def domain(self, new_domain): new_domain = (format_addr(new_domain[0], 'tuple'), format_addr(new_domain[1], 'tuple')) temp = self._domain self._domain = new_domain try: self.update_chart() except: self._domain = temp @property def chart_type(self): """Type of the chart The specificed as enum of type :class:'ChartType' The available chart types are given in the `api docs <>`__ . """ return self._chart_type @chart_type.setter def chart_type(self, new_chart_type): if not isinstance(new_chart_type, ChartType): raise InvalidArgumentValue temp = self._chart_type self._chart_type = new_chart_type try: self.update_chart() except: self._chart_type = temp @property def ranges(self): """ Ranges of the chart (y values) A chart can have multiple columns as range. So you can provide them as a list. The ranges are taken in the form of list of tuple of cell adresses. where each tuple inside the list represents a column as staring and ending cell. Example: [((1,2),(6,2)), ((1,3),(6,3))] or [('B1','B6'), ('C1','C6')] """ return self._ranges @ranges.setter def ranges(self, new_ranges): if type(new_ranges) is tuple: new_ranges = [new_ranges] for i in range(len(new_ranges)): new_ranges[i] = (format_addr(new_ranges[i][0], 'tuple'), format_addr(new_ranges[i][1], 'tuple')) temp = self._ranges self._ranges = new_ranges try: self.update_chart() except: self._ranges = temp @property def title_font_family(self): """ Font family of the title. (Default: 'Roboto') """ return self._title_font_family @title_font_family.setter def title_font_family(self, new_title_font_family): temp = self._title_font_family self._title_font_family = new_title_font_family try: self.update_chart() except: self._title_font_family = temp @property def font_name(self): """ Font name for the chart. (Default: 'Roboto') """ return self._font_name @font_name.setter def font_name(self, new_font_name): temp = self._font_name self._font_name = new_font_name try: self.update_chart() except: self._font_name = temp @property def legend_position(self): """ Legend postion of the chart. (Default: 'RIGHT_LEGEND') The available options are given in the `api docs <>`__. """ return self._legend_position @legend_position.setter def legend_position(self, new_legend_position): temp = self._legend_position self._legend_position = new_legend_position try: self.update_chart() except: self._legend_position = temp @property def id(self): """Id of the this chart.""" return self._chart_id @property def anchor_cell(self): """Position of the left corner of the chart in the form of cell address or cell object, Changing this will move the chart. """ return self._anchor_cell @anchor_cell.setter def anchor_cell(self, new_anchor_cell): temp = self._anchor_cell try: if type(new_anchor_cell) is Cell: self._anchor_cell = (new_anchor_cell.row, new_anchor_cell.col) self._update_position() else: self._anchor_cell = format_addr(new_anchor_cell, 'tuple') self._update_position() except: self._anchor_cell = temp
[docs] def delete(self): """ Deletes the chart. .. warning:: Once the chart is deleted the objects of that chart still exist and should not be used. """ request = { "deleteEmbeddedObject": { "objectId": self._chart_id } } self._worksheet.client.sheet.batch_update(, request)
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refreshes the object to incorporate the changes made in the chart through other objects or Google sheet""" chart_data = self._worksheet.client.sheet.get(, fields='sheets(charts,properties)') sheet_list = chart_data.get('sheets') for sheet in sheet_list: if sheet.get('properties', {}).get('sheetId', None) is chart_list = sheet.get('charts') if chart_list: for chart in chart_list: if chart.get('chartId') == self._chart_id: self.set_json(chart)
def _get_anchor_cell(self): if self._anchor_cell is None: if self._domain: return { "columnIndex": self._domain[1][1]-1, "rowIndex": self._domain[1][0], "sheetId":} else: return {"columnIndex": 0, "rowIndex": 0, "sheetId":} else: if type(self._anchor_cell) is Cell: return { "columnIndex": self._anchor_cell.col-1, "rowIndex": self._anchor_cell.row-1, "sheetId":} else: cell = format_addr(self._anchor_cell, 'tuple') return { "columnIndex": cell[1]-1, "rowIndex": cell[0]-1, "sheetId":} def _get_ranges_request(self): ranges_request_list = [] for i in range(len(self._ranges)): req = { 'series': { 'sourceRange': { 'sources': [self._worksheet.get_gridrange(self._ranges[i][0], self._ranges[i][1])] } }, } ranges_request_list.append(req) return ranges_request_list def _create_chart(self): domains = [] if self._domain: domains.append({ "domain": { "sourceRange": { "sources": [self._worksheet.get_gridrange(self._domain[0], self._domain[1])] } } }) request = { "addChart": { "chart": { "spec": { "title": self._title, "basicChart": { "chartType": self._chart_type.value, "domains": domains, "series": self._get_ranges_request() } }, "position": { "overlayPosition": { "anchorCell": self._get_anchor_cell() } } } } } response = self._worksheet.client.sheet.batch_update(, request) chart_data_list = response.get('replies') chart_json = chart_data_list[0].get('addChart',{}).get('chart') self.set_json(chart_json) def _update_position(self): request = { "updateEmbeddedObjectPosition": { "objectId": self._chart_id, "newPosition": { "overlayPosition": { "anchorCell": { "sheetId":, "rowIndex": self._anchor_cell[0]-1, "columnIndex": self._anchor_cell[1]-1 } } }, "fields": "*" }} self._worksheet.client.sheet.batch_update(, request)
[docs] def update_chart(self): """updates the applied changes to the sheet.""" request = { 'updateChartSpec':{ 'chartId': self._chart_id, "spec": self.get_json()} } self._worksheet.client.sheet.batch_update(, request)
[docs] def get_json(self): """Returns the chart as a dictionary structured like the Google Sheets API v4.""" domains = [{'domain': {'sourceRange': {'sources': [ self._worksheet.get_gridrange(self._domain[0], self._domain[1])]}}}] ranges = self._get_ranges_request() spec = dict() spec['title'] = self._title spec['basicChart'] = dict() spec['titleTextFormat'] = dict() spec['basicChart']['chartType'] = self._chart_type.value spec['basicChart']['legendPosition'] = self._legend_position spec['titleTextFormat']['fontFamily'] = self._title_font_family spec['fontName'] = self._font_name spec['basicChart']['domains'] = domains spec['basicChart']['series'] = ranges return spec
[docs] def set_json(self, chart_data): """ Reads a json-dictionary returned by the Google Sheets API v4 and initialize all the properties from it. :param chart_data: The chart data as json specified in sheets api. """ anchor_cell_data = chart_data.get('position',{}).get('overlayPosition',{}).get('anchorCell') self._anchor_cell = (anchor_cell_data.get('rowIndex',0)+1, anchor_cell_data.get('columnIndex',0)+1) self._title = chart_data.get('spec',{}).get('title',None) self._chart_id = chart_data.get('chartId',None) self._title_font_family = chart_data.get('spec',{}).get('titleTextFormat',{}).get('fontFamily',None) self._font_name = chart_data.get('spec',{}).get('titleTextFormat',{}).get('fontFamily',None) basic_chart = chart_data.get('spec',{}).get('basicChart', None) self._chart_type = ChartType(basic_chart.get('chartType', None)) self._legend_position = basic_chart.get('legendPosition', None) domain_list = basic_chart.get('domains', []) for d in domain_list: source_list = d.get('domain', {}).get('sourceRange', {}).get('sources', None) for source in source_list: start_row = source.get('startRowIndex',0) end_row = source.get('endRowIndex',0) start_column = source.get('startColumnIndex',0) end_column = source.get('endColumnIndex',0) self._domain = [(start_row+1, start_column+1),(end_row, end_column)] range_list = basic_chart.get('series', []) self._ranges = [] for r in range_list: source_list = r.get('series',{}).get('sourceRange',{}).get('sources',None) for source in source_list: start_row = source.get('startRowIndex',0) end_row = source.get('endRowIndex',0) start_column = source.get('startColumnIndex',0) end_column = source.get('endColumnIndex',0) self._ranges.append([(start_row+1, start_column+1), (end_row, end_column)])
def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.chart_type.value, repr(self.title))