
Batching of api calls

for i in range(10):
    wks.update_value((1, i), i) # wont call api
wks.link() # will do all the updates

Protect an whole sheet

r = Datarange(worksheet=wks)
>>> r # this is a datarange unbounded on both indexes
<Datarange Sheet1>
>>> r.protected = True # this will make the whole sheet protected

Formatting columns column A as percentage format, column B as currency format. Then formatting row 1 as white , row 2 as grey colour. By @cwdjankoski

model_cell = pygsheets.Cell("A1")

    format_type = pygsheets.FormatType.PERCENT,
    pattern = "0%"
# first apply the percentage formatting
    left_corner_cell , right_corner_cell , worksheet = wks

# now apply the row-colouring interchangeably
gray_cell = pygsheets.Cell("A1")
gray_cell.color = (0.9529412, 0.9529412, 0.9529412, 0)

white_cell = pygsheets.Cell("A2")
white_cell.color = (1, 1, 1, 0)

cells = [gray_cell, white_cell]

for r in range(start_row, end_row + 1):
    print(f"Doing row {r} ...", flush = True, end = "\r")
    wks.get_row(r, returnas = "range").apply_format(cells[ r % 2 ], fields = "userEnteredFormat.backgroundColor")

Conditional Formatting This will apply conditional formatting to cells between A1 to A4. If the value is between 1 and 5, cell background will be red.

wks.add_conditional_formatting('A1', 'A4', 'NUMBER_BETWEEN', {'backgroundColor':{'red':1}}, ['1','5'])

Note: If you have any interesting examples that you think will be helpful to others, please raise a PR or issue.