Source code for pygsheets.cell

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-.


This module represents a cell within the worksheet.


from pygsheets.custom_types import *
from pygsheets.exceptions import (IncorrectCellLabel, CellNotFound, InvalidArgumentValue)
from pygsheets.utils import format_addr, is_number, format_color
from pygsheets.address import Address, GridRange

[docs]class Cell(object): """ Represents a single cell of a sheet. Each cell is either a simple local value or directly linked to a specific cell of a sheet. When linked any changes to the cell will update the :class:`Worksheet <Worksheet>` immediately. :param pos: Address of the cell as coordinate tuple or label. :param val: Value stored inside of the cell. :param worksheet: Worksheet this cell belongs to. :param cell_data: This cells data stored in json, with the same structure as cellData of the Google Sheets API v4. """ def __init__(self, pos, val='', worksheet=None, cell_data=None): self._worksheet = worksheet # if type(pos) == str: # pos = format_addr(pos, 'tuple') # self._row, self._col = pos # self._label = format_addr(pos, 'label') self._address = Address(pos, False) self._value = val # formatted value self._unformated_value = val # un-formatted value self._formula = '' self._note = None if self._worksheet is None: self._linked = False else: self._linked = True self._parent = None self._color = (None, None, None, None) self._simplecell = True # if format, notes etc wont be fetched on each update self.format = (None, None) # number format self.text_format = {} # the text format as json self.text_rotation = None # the text rotation as json self._horizontal_alignment = None self._vertical_alignment = None self.borders = None """Border Properties as dictionary. Reference: `api object <>`__.""" self.parse_value = True """Determines how values are interpreted by Google Sheets (True: USER_ENTERED; False: RAW). Reference: `sheets api <>`__""" self._wrap_strategy = None self.is_dirty = True if cell_data is not None: self.set_json(cell_data) @property def row(self): """Row number of the cell.""" return self.address.row @row.setter def row(self, row): self.address = (row, self.col) @property def col(self): """Column number of the cell.""" return self.address.col @col.setter def col(self, col): self.address = (self.row, col) @property def label(self): """This cells label (e.g. 'A1').""" return self.address.label @label.setter def label(self, label): self.address = label @property def address(self): """ Address object representing the cell location. """ return self._address @address.setter def address(self, value): if self._linked: ncell = self._worksheet.cell(value) self.__dict__.update(ncell.__dict__) else: self._address = Address(value) @property def value(self): """This cells formatted value.""" return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): self._value = value if self._linked: self._worksheet.update_value(self.label, value, self.parse_value) if not self._simplecell: # for unformated value and formula self.fetch() else: self._formula = value if str(value).startswith('=') else '' self._unformated_value = '' @property def value_unformatted(self): """Unformatted value of this cell.""" return self._unformated_value @property def formula(self): """Get/Set this cells formula if any.""" if self._simplecell: self.fetch() return self._formula @formula.setter def formula(self, formula): if not formula.startswith('='): formula = "=" + formula tmp = self.parse_value self.parse_value = True self.value = formula self._formula = formula self.parse_value = tmp self.fetch() @property def horizontal_alignment(self): """Horizontal alignment of the value in this cell. possible vlaues: :class:`HorizontalAlignment <pygsheets.custom_types.HorizontalAlignment>` """ self.update() return self._horizontal_alignment @horizontal_alignment.setter def horizontal_alignment(self, value): if isinstance(value, HorizontalAlignment): self._horizontal_alignment = value self.update() else: raise InvalidArgumentValue('Use HorizontalAlignment object for setting the horizontal alignment.') @property def vertical_alignment(self): """Vertical alignment of the value in this cell. possible vlaues: :class:`VerticalAlignment <pygsheets.custom_types.VerticalAlignment>` """ self.update() return self._vertical_alignment @vertical_alignment.setter def vertical_alignment(self, value): if isinstance(value, VerticalAlignment): self._vertical_alignment = value self.update() else: raise InvalidArgumentValue('Use VerticalAlignment for setting the vertical alignment.') @property def wrap_strategy(self): """ How to wrap text in this cell. Possible wrap strategies: 'OVERFLOW_CELL', 'LEGACY_WRAP', 'CLIP', 'WRAP'. `Reference: api docs <>`__ """ return self._wrap_strategy @wrap_strategy.setter def wrap_strategy(self, wrap_strategy): self._wrap_strategy = wrap_strategy self.update() @property def note(self): """Get/Set note of this cell.""" if self._simplecell: self.fetch() return self._note @note.setter def note(self, note): if self._simplecell: self.fetch() self._note = note self.update() @property def color(self): """Get/Set background color of this cell as a tuple (red, green, blue, alpha).""" if self._simplecell: self.fetch() return self._color @color.setter def color(self, value): if self._simplecell: self.fetch() if type(value) is tuple: if len(value) < 4: value = list(value) + [1.0]*(4-len(value)) else: value = (value, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) for c in value: if c < 0 or c > 1: raise InvalidArgumentValue("Color should be in range 0-1") self._color = tuple(value) self.update() @property def simple(self): """Simple cells only fetch the value itself. Set to false to fetch all cell properties.""" return self._simplecell @simple.setter def simple(self, value): self._simplecell = value
[docs] def set_text_format(self, attribute, value): """ Set a text format property of this cell. Each format property must be set individually. Any format property which is not set will be considered unspecified. Attribute: - foregroundColor: Sets the texts color. (tuple as (red, green, blue, alpha)) - fontFamily: Sets the texts font. (string) - fontSize: Sets the text size. (integer) - bold: Set/remove bold format. (boolean) - italic: Set/remove italic format. (boolean) - strikethrough: Set/remove strike through format. (boolean) - underline: Set/remove underline format. (boolean) Reference: `api docs <>`__ :param attribute: The format property to set. :param value: The value the format property should be set to. :return: :class:`cell <Cell>` """ if self._simplecell: self.fetch() if attribute not in ["foregroundColor", "fontFamily", "fontSize", "bold", "italic", "strikethrough", "underline"]: raise InvalidArgumentValue("Not a valid attribute. Check documentation for more information.") if self.text_format: self.text_format[attribute] = value else: self.text_format = {attribute: value} self.update() return self
[docs] def set_number_format(self, format_type, pattern=''): """ Set number format of this cell. Reference: `api docs <>`__ :param format_type: The type of the number format. Should be of type :class:`FormatType <FormatType>`. :param pattern: Pattern string used for formatting. If not set, a default pattern will be used. See reference for supported patterns. :return: :class:`cell <Cell>` """ if not isinstance(format_type, FormatType): raise InvalidArgumentValue("format_type should be of type pygsheets.FormatType") if self._simplecell: self.fetch() self.format = (format_type, pattern) self.update() return self
[docs] def set_text_rotation(self, attribute, value): """ The rotation applied to text in this cell. Can be defined as "angle" or as "vertical". May not define both! angle: [number] The angle between the standard orientation and the desired orientation. Measured in degrees. Valid values are between -90 and 90. Positive angles are angled upwards, negative are angled downwards. Note: For LTR text direction positive angles are in the counterclockwise direction, whereas for RTL they are in the clockwise direction. vertical: [boolean] If true, text reads top to bottom, but the orientation of individual characters is unchanged. Reference: `api_docs <>__` :param attribute: "angle" or "vertical" :param value: Corresponding value for the attribute. angle in (-90,90) for 'angle', boolean for 'vertical' :return: :class:`cell <Cell>` """ if self._simplecell: self.fetch() if attribute not in ["angle", "vertical"]: raise InvalidArgumentValue("Text rotation can be set as 'angle' or 'vertical'. " "See documentation for details.") if attribute == "angle": if type(value) != int: raise InvalidArgumentValue("Property 'angle' must be an int.") if value not in range(-90, 91): raise InvalidArgumentValue("Property 'angle' must be in range -90 and 90.") if attribute == "vertical": if type(value) != bool: raise InvalidArgumentValue("Property 'vertical' must be set as boolean.") self.text_rotation = {attribute: value} self.update() return self
[docs] def set_horizontal_alignment(self, value): """ Set horizondal alignemnt of text in the cell :param value: Horizondal alignment value, instance of :class:`HorizontalAlignment <HorizontalAlignment>` :return: :class:`cell <Cell>` """ if self._simplecell: self.fetch() self.horizontal_alignment = value return self
[docs] def set_vertical_alignment(self, value): """ Set vertical alignemnt of text in the cell :param value: Vertical alignment value, instance of :class:`VerticalAlignment <VerticalAlignment>` :return: :class:`cell <Cell>` """ if self._simplecell: self.fetch() self.vertical_alignment = value return self
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """ Set value of the cell :param value: value to be set :return: :class:`cell <Cell>` """ self.value = value return self
[docs] def neighbour(self, position): """ Get a neighbouring cell of this cell. :param position: This may be a string 'right', 'left', 'top', 'bottom' or a tuple of relative positions (e.g. (1, 2) will return a cell one below and two to the right). :return: :class:`neighbouring cell <Cell>` """ if not self._linked: return False addr = [self.row, self.col] if type(position) == tuple: addr = (addr[0] + position[0], addr[1] + position[1]) # TODO: this does not work if position is a list... elif type(position) == str: if "right" in position: addr[1] += 1 if "left" in position: addr[1] -= 1 if "top" in position: addr[0] -= 1 if "bottom" in position: addr[0] += 1 try: ncell = self._worksheet.cell(addr) except IncorrectCellLabel: raise CellNotFound return ncell
[docs] def fetch(self, keep_simple=False): """Update the value in this cell from the linked worksheet.""" if not keep_simple: self._simplecell = False if self._linked: result = self._worksheet.client.sheet.get(, fields='sheets/data/rowData', includeGridData=True, ranges=self._worksheet._get_range(self.label)) try: result = result['sheets'][0]['data'][0]['rowData'][0]['values'][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): result = dict() self.set_json(result) return self else: return False
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refresh the value and properties in this cell from the linked worksheet. Same as fetch. """ self.fetch(False)
[docs] def update(self, force=False, get_request=False, worksheet_id=None): """ Update the cell of the linked sheet or the worksheet given as parameter. :param force: Force an update from the sheet, even if it is unlinked. :param get_request: Return the request object instead of sending the request directly. :param worksheet_id: Needed if the cell is not linked otherwise the cells worksheet is used. """ if not (self._linked or force) and not get_request: return False self._simplecell = False worksheet_id = worksheet_id if worksheet_id is not None else request = { "repeatCell": { "range": GridRange(start=self._address, end=self._address, worksheet_id=worksheet_id).to_json(), "cell": self.get_json(), "fields": "userEnteredFormat, note, userEnteredValue" } } if get_request: return request self._worksheet.client.sheet.batch_update(, request)
[docs] def get_json(self): """Returns the cell as a dictionary structured like the Google Sheets API v4.""" try: nformat, pattern = self.format except TypeError: nformat, pattern = self.format, "" if self._formula != '': value = self._formula value_key = 'formulaValue' elif is_number(self._value): value = self._value value_key = 'numberValue' elif type(self._value) is bool: value = self._value value_key = 'boolValue' elif type(self._value) is str or type(self._value) is unicode: value = self._value value_key = 'stringValue' else: # @TODO errorValue key not handled value = self._value value_key = 'errorValue' ret_json = dict() ret_json["userEnteredFormat"] = dict() if self.format[0] is not None: ret_json["userEnteredFormat"]["numberFormat"] = {"type": getattr(nformat, 'value', nformat), "pattern": pattern} if self._color[0] is not None: ret_json["userEnteredFormat"]["backgroundColor"] = {"red": self._color[0], "green": self._color[1], "blue": self._color[2], "alpha": self._color[3]} if self.text_format is not None: ret_json["userEnteredFormat"]["textFormat"] = self.text_format.copy() fg = ret_json["userEnteredFormat"]["textFormat"].get('foregroundColor', None) ret_json["userEnteredFormat"]["textFormat"]['foregroundColor'] = format_color(fg, to='dict') if self.borders is not None: ret_json["userEnteredFormat"]["borders"] = self.borders if self._horizontal_alignment is not None: ret_json["userEnteredFormat"]["horizontalAlignment"] = self._horizontal_alignment.value if self._vertical_alignment is not None: ret_json["userEnteredFormat"]["verticalAlignment"] = self._vertical_alignment.value if self._wrap_strategy is not None: ret_json["userEnteredFormat"]["wrapStrategy"] = self._wrap_strategy if self.text_rotation is not None: ret_json["userEnteredFormat"]["textRotation"] = self.text_rotation if self._note is not None: ret_json["note"] = self._note ret_json["userEnteredValue"] = {value_key: value} return ret_json
[docs] def set_json(self, cell_data): """ Reads a json-dictionary returned by the Google Sheets API v4 and initialize all the properties from it. :param cell_data: The cells data. """ self._simplecell = False self._value = cell_data.get('formattedValue', '') try: self._unformated_value = list(cell_data['effectiveValue'].values())[0] except (KeyError, IndexError): self._unformated_value = '' self._formula = cell_data.get('userEnteredValue', {}).get('formulaValue', '') self._note = cell_data.get('note', None) nformat = cell_data.get('userEnteredFormat', {}).get('numberFormat', {}) self.format = (nformat.get('type', None), nformat.get('pattern', '')) color = cell_data.get('userEnteredFormat', {}) \ .get('backgroundColor', {'red': None, 'green': None, 'blue': None, 'alpha': None}) self._color = (color.get('red', 0), color.get('green', 0), color.get('blue', 0), color.get('alpha', 0)) self.text_format = cell_data.get('userEnteredFormat', {}).get('textFormat', None) if self.text_format and self.text_format.get('foregroundColor', None): self.text_format['foregroundColor'] = format_color(self.text_format['foregroundColor'], to='tuple') self.text_rotation = cell_data.get('userEnteredFormat', {}).get('textRotation', None) self.borders = cell_data.get('userEnteredFormat', {}).get('borders', None) self._wrap_strategy = cell_data.get('userEnteredFormat', {}).get('wrapStrategy', "WRAP_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED") nhorozondal_alignment = cell_data.get('userEnteredFormat', {}).get('horizontalAlignment', None) self._horizontal_alignment = \ HorizontalAlignment[nhorozondal_alignment] if nhorozondal_alignment is not None else None nvertical_alignment = cell_data.get('userEnteredFormat', {}).get('verticalAlignment', None) self._vertical_alignment = \ VerticalAlignment[nvertical_alignment] if nvertical_alignment is not None else None
def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key not in ['_linked', '_worksheet']: self.__dict__['is_dirty'] = True super(Cell, self).__setattr__(key, value) def __eq__(self, other): if self._worksheet is not None and other._worksheet is not None: if self._worksheet != other._worksheet: return False if self.label != other.label: return False return True def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.label, repr(self.value))