Source code for pygsheets.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-.
import re
import warnings
import os
import logging

from import DriveAPIWrapper
from pygsheets.sheet import SheetAPIWrapper
from pygsheets.spreadsheet import Spreadsheet
from pygsheets.exceptions import SpreadsheetNotFound, NoValidUrlKeyFound
from pygsheets.custom_types import ValueRenderOption, DateTimeRenderOption

from google_auth_httplib2 import AuthorizedHttp


_url_key_re_v1 = re.compile(r'key=([^&#]+)')
_url_key_re_v2 = re.compile(r"/spreadsheets/d/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)")
_email_patttern = re.compile(r"\"?([-a-zA-Z0-9.`?{}]+@[-a-zA-Z0-9.]+\.\w+)\"?")
# _domain_pattern = re.compile("(?!-)[A-Z\d-]{1,63}(?<!-)$", re.IGNORECASE)

_deprecated_keyword_mapping = {
    'parent_id': 'folder',

[docs]class Client(object): """Create or access Google spreadsheets. Exposes members to create new spreadsheets or open existing ones. Use `authorize` to instantiate an instance of this class. >>> import pygsheets >>> c = pygsheets.authorize() The sheet API service object is stored in the sheet property and the drive API service object in the drive property. >>> c.sheet.get('<SPREADSHEET ID>') >>>'<FILE ID>') :param credentials: The credentials object returned by google-auth or google-auth-oauthlib. :param retries: (Optional) Number of times to retry a connection before raising a TimeOut error. Default: 3 :param http: The underlying HTTP object to use to make requests. If not specified, a :class:`httplib2.Http` instance will be constructed. """ spreadsheet_cls = Spreadsheet def __init__(self, credentials, retries=3, http=None): self.oauth = credentials self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) http = AuthorizedHttp(credentials, http=http) data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "data") self.sheet = SheetAPIWrapper(http, data_path, retries=retries) = DriveAPIWrapper(http, data_path) @property def teamDriveId(self): """ Enable team drive support Deprecated: use """ return @teamDriveId.setter def teamDriveId(self, value): warnings.warn("Depricated please use drive.enable_team_drive")
[docs] def spreadsheet_ids(self, query=None): """Get a list of all spreadsheet ids present in the Google Drive or TeamDrive accessed.""" return [x['id'] for x in]
[docs] def spreadsheet_titles(self, query=None): """Get a list of all spreadsheet titles present in the Google Drive or TeamDrive accessed.""" return [x['name'] for x in]
[docs] def create(self, title, template=None, folder=None, **kwargs): """Create a new spreadsheet. The title will always be set to the given value (even overwriting the templates title). The template can either be a `spreadsheet resource <>`_ or an instance of :class:`~pygsheets.Spreadsheet`. In both cases undefined values will be ignored. :param title: Title of the new spreadsheet. :param template: A template to create the new spreadsheet from. :param folder: The Id of the folder this sheet will be stored in. :param kwargs: Standard parameters (see reference for details). :return: :class:`~pygsheets.Spreadsheet` """ result = self.sheet.create(title, template=template, **kwargs) if folder:['spreadsheetId'],"name = '" + title + "'")[0]['parents'][0], new_folder=folder) return self.spreadsheet_cls(self, jsonsheet=result)
[docs] def open(self, title): """Open a spreadsheet by title. In a case where there are several sheets with the same title, the first one found is returned. >>> import pygsheets >>> c = pygsheets.authorize() >>>'TestSheet') :param title: A title of a spreadsheet. :returns: :class:`~pygsheets.Spreadsheet` :raises pygsheets.SpreadsheetNotFound: No spreadsheet with the given title was found. """ try: spreadsheet = list(filter(lambda x: x['name'] == title,[0] return self.open_by_key(spreadsheet['id']) except (KeyError, IndexError): raise SpreadsheetNotFound('Could not find a spreadsheet with title %s.' % title)
[docs] def open_by_key(self, key): """Open a spreadsheet by key. >>> import pygsheets >>> c = pygsheets.authorize() >>> c.open_by_key('0BmgG6nO_6dprdS1MN3d3MkdPa142WFRrdnRRUWl1UFE') :param key: The key of a spreadsheet. (can be found in the sheet URL) :returns: :class:`~pygsheets.Spreadsheet` :raises pygsheets.SpreadsheetNotFound: The given spreadsheet ID was not found. """ response = self.sheet.get(key, fields='properties,sheets/properties,spreadsheetId,namedRanges', includeGridData=False) return self.spreadsheet_cls(self, response)
[docs] def open_by_url(self, url): """Open a spreadsheet by URL. >>> import pygsheets >>> c = pygsheets.authorize() >>> c.open_by_url('') :param url: URL of a spreadsheet as it appears in a browser. :returns: :class:`~pygsheets.Spreadsheet` :raises pygsheets.SpreadsheetNotFound: No spreadsheet was found with the given URL. """ m1 = if m1: return self.open_by_key( else: m2 = if m2: return self.open_by_key( else: raise NoValidUrlKeyFound
[docs] def open_all(self, query=''): """Opens all available spreadsheets. Result can be filtered when specifying the query parameter. On the details on how to form the query: `Reference <>`_ :param query: (Optional) Can be used to filter the returned metadata. :returns: A list of :class:`~pygsheets.Spreadsheet`. """ return [self.open_by_key(key) for key in self.spreadsheet_ids(query=query)]
[docs] def open_as_json(self, key): """Return a json representation of the spreadsheet. See `Reference <>`__ for details. """ return self.sheet.get(key, fields='properties,sheets/properties,sheets/protectedRanges,' 'spreadsheetId,namedRanges', includeGridData=False)
[docs] def get_range(self, spreadsheet_id, value_range, major_dimension='ROWS', value_render_option=ValueRenderOption.FORMATTED_VALUE, date_time_render_option=DateTimeRenderOption.SERIAL_NUMBER): """Returns a range of values from a spreadsheet. The caller must specify the spreadsheet ID and a range. Reference: `request <>`__ :param spreadsheet_id: The ID of the spreadsheet to retrieve data from. :param value_range: The A1 notation of the values to retrieve. :param major_dimension: The major dimension that results should use. For example, if the spreadsheet data is: A1=1,B1=2,A2=3,B2=4, then requesting range=A1:B2,majorDimension=ROWS will return [[1,2],[3,4]], whereas requesting range=A1:B2,majorDimension=COLUMNS will return [[1,3],[2,4]]. :param value_render_option: How values should be represented in the output. The default render option is `ValueRenderOption.FORMATTED_VALUE`. :param date_time_render_option: How dates, times, and durations should be represented in the output. This is ignored if `valueRenderOption` is `FORMATTED_VALUE`. The default dateTime render option is [`DateTimeRenderOption.SERIAL_NUMBER`]. :return: An array of arrays with the values fetched. Returns an empty array if no values were fetched. Values are dynamically typed as int, float or string. """ result = self.sheet.values_get(spreadsheet_id, value_range, major_dimension, value_render_option, date_time_render_option) try: return result['values'] except KeyError: return [['']]